Thursday, September 11, 2008

Reincarnation and Karma

You have come from a place of perfection.
When this experience, which you have chosen, is through,
you shall return there.

How do we explain a Mozart? How do we explain a child with near perfect and provable recollection of a previous life? How do we explain the sense of having been in a place before? Let us not overlook past life regressions. Bridey Murphy has spawned many fascinating stories. These are all examples used to reinforce the belief in reincarnation. There are many others. Indeed, reincarnation has been called the “cycle of necessity”. Many perceptions are difficult to explain without this device.Reincarnation as a topic of discussion is fascinating and resonates with our impulse toward truth. The elaborate scenarios that are spread out before us are endless. The inferences we draw from these are useful in answering lingering age-old questions, questions, some of which remain ironically because of religions rather inept attempt to answer them.Although the evidence given in reincarnation beliefs is useful in strengthening the belief in life after death, it seems riddled with inconsistencies when viewed from a more lofty height. Overly detailed explanations of the process may well afford comfort to some. One truly on the path however will be quick to point out that much of what they have learned is true only until supplanted by a truth of greater understanding.The enlightened ones tell us that it is the nature of the soul to know. If we already know, why would we reincarnate so that we might learn? Surely, there is a more plausible reason for our existence here, one not tied to the paradigm of incremental education. Has no one observed that the “learning” process continues even when the drudgery of study is set aside? To dispel this construct will allow space for the awareness of truth to shine through. May the drudgery of study be tempered by the joy of learning.When our life is viewed as a chosen destiny rather than a forced exile, our focus can be on those things we need (want) to do, allowing us to more clearly intuit our true destiny. Consider the possibility that we are here to participate in the process of evolution of this plane (planet). The process may be called creation.Have we incorrectly assumed that God stopped creating? Have we yet to discover that God is the creative process and that we are co creators? Are we not made in the image and likeness of the creator and thus part of the creative process? Are we not imbued with divine creativity?Are we even now as homo-sapiens arrogantly pretending to be the epitome of Gods creative efforts? Look afar; there may be problems with this assumption.We cannot progress far on this plane if we base our beliefs on those things we have been taught, i.e. those things we have accepted without question.To know of the divine is helpful, yet when one knows the divine then one is divine and there is no need for officious meddling. There is no greater block to the realization of enlightenment than the pretense that we already know or that we even know what it is that we are looking for. Did the master not say, “Verily even the harlots are closer to the kingdom of heaven than thee”? Consider also the possibility that a facade of righteousness is an insurmountable barrier to enlightenment.Old souls do not come here with a resume in hand. They do come with a destiny, a commitment to participate in the creative process. View it all as a great adventure and you shall discover many marvelous things. You shall one day agree that God is in his heaven and all is well with the world. Your life and your works will then be filled with the omnipotence of divine love as guided by universal infinite spirit. The greater the self-realization, the greater the creation.The soul has but one lasting desire on this plane, and that is to reunify with the source from which it came, a place where there is no lingering desire, a place of ineffable joy and the peace that passeth understanding, a place where the manifestation of intent, of thoughts, words and deeds become one, the true reality. Adjust your concept of God so that it more closely mirrors that which you inwardly know to be true of yourself. Be as a child in your discovery of the many wondrous things awaiting you. Become not entangled in minutia, but rather contemplate your own eternality in a fresh light.The problem lies not in the veracity of any or all of the reincarnation ideas for they may all be true. The problem occurs when they become an infatuation, a fascinating side-trip that tends to inhibit further awakening. Paradoxically, with awakening and the realization of the eternality of all life, the question becomes mute. If we have moved into the awareness of the unity of all life, if our ego (That me thing) is viewed for what it is, the very mechanism that blocks that awareness, then we are in position to accept the possibility that there are other explanations for even the most compelling signs of reincarnation. We may still be aware of past lives, though they may not necessarily be yours or mine, they may simply be ours.Are we stuck with karma? Perhaps we are, perhaps not. If virtuous living is its own reward and if evil is a creation of the human condition, i.e. experiences of our own choosing, then what is the need for a system of balances obviously constructed by the mind of man? If we violate an unjust human law and are punished for so doing is this punishment karma? Is karma a vehicle for the creation of fear? Is karma a vehicle for inducing certain behaviors? Is karma a tool for exacting wishful revenge? If we perform good deeds for the sole purpose of accumulating good karma does the bad karma of selfishness we gather at the same time offset the good or are we simply debited for those moments when our thoughts were less than pure? Can we defer bad karma to a future life? If we ask for forgiveness for some wrong we have committed, will karma be meted out? Does it accrue to the forgiver? If we inherit a large sum of ill-gotten gains is this good karma or bad? Does the legal system assist with the delivery of karma or is it irrelevant or even counter productive? Do we treat just punishment as a debit or a credit? Seriously, are there enough lawyers and accountants in heaven to handle such an immense workload? May we, as mere mortals participate in the distribution of karma? Do we have a choice as to what form the karma will take? Are we capable of telling the difference between good karma and bad karma? How about a root canal? Is this good karma or bad? Do our pets reincarnate? Absolutely. It is all so confusing.“What goes around comes around”. Clichés such as this do not survive without truth. That truth however is not based on fear or the need for revenge or the lust for power. If we are to comprehend the truth of karma, we must first dispose of the boogey man brownie point nonsense, a thinly disguised human, not divine, artifact.Karma is real, it does exist, and yet it appears to transcend the law of cause and effect as we know it. To deal with karma, we must move our attention to the eternal now; there it functions as a guidance system or what some would call a conscience although there is an important difference. Conscience contains instructions from the sub-conscious mind that are based on conclusions and decisions that may be quite different from those of our current choosing. Karma gently tells us to do the right thing. Bear in mind that our karma comes from the unerring wisdom of our soul and there we know it quickly, before the fact so that we might make a choice as to our actions. The enlightened, having grasped the reality of the unity of all life, follow the golden rule, not because of karmic consequences, but because it is the natural and joyful thing to do.The human mind will not be denied its important function of trying to make sense of life’s experience. It will create castles of sand, ever more elaborate, delightful to contemplate while providing a resting place for eager travelers on the path, only then to be removed by the timeless breeze of understanding.


Our health, our sense of physical well-being, is the sum of all that we are on this plane. The mental, physical and spiritual aspects of this marvelous vehicle that we have been given are indivisible and should be reassembled after study, debate and profit sharing.The failure to address the whole is the perennial Achilles heel in this process and yet the area most amenable to change. Arrogance, ego, turf battles, greed, cynicism, and such have not been tolerable as viable healing tools. The arduous task of unifying this conundrum with the reality of our being falls to a few courageous souls who have overcome the shackles of ego and burden of greed and whose destiny is that of a healer. Though their numbers are small, the power that sustains them is infinite. May their voices rise that we may be awakened.Know that your health is yours. Be it a burden or a blessing to you, it is a perception that can only be changed from within. Our will to live and to fulfill our destiny is our greatest asset. This does not mean that we are alone, far from it; all the wisdom and miracles of the universe are at our disposal. The genius that gave us the ancient wisdom is eternal. The “miracles,” past and present, with awakening and understanding, will become commonplace.Most of us on occasion participate in the futile process of trying to disprove the adage “There is no free lunch.” When we as individuals abrogate our god-given status as masters of our own being to whomever, we invite fragmentation of the whole into portions that are then claimed and maimed by those opportunists whose primary motive may not be our health but rather their wealth. Do not despair, for although there is no cure for human nature, we can rise above it. The process is called awakening. Awakening tends to dispel all that is impure and to reassemble that which is inherently perfect. You are made in the image and likeness of God (perfection). Do not be misled by teachings to the contrary.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


To ascribe a name to God
is to limit your awareness of God.

Be charitable to proselytizers, they are well-meaning foot solders in the battle against evil. Unfortunately, the collateral damage in this war is immense. Those who are on the path of awakening and enlightenment need not participate. Early on, the true seeker has discovered that the great work is self-realization and the preferred way to fight evil if we must, is with good.Do not judge the actions or beliefs of another but rather if you feel the need, look at yourself. Does the felt need to “fix” another arise from the need to share some great joy you have experienced or do you perceive a problem in another that you simply must repair? Sometimes the only motive for such action is the need to validate beliefs that were given to us by another and we are simply repeating the process.The teacher is within and the truth is within. To interfere in the dialog of self to soul is non-useful to all involved and should be discouraged. Dogma and doctrine are burdens that will eventually be discarded. They are the false foundation from which arises the destructive behavior of the zealot. You cannot give away that which you do not have and creating barriers for one who is sincerely “on the path” is not a fruitful way to achieve karmic balance if that is your goal.As the omnipotence of Divine love flows through you to another, the appropriate result will follow. The soul that needs what you have to offer will be drawn unto you. Each soul chooses the path that fulfills the needs of their destiny. Give freely of that which is truly yours.Words and phrases with meanings more apparent than real prove to be inadequate in the quest for awakening; proselytizers tend to use them as passwords to identify believers and non-believers. The resulting sense of belonging affords comfort and security to some and they may find temporary solace in the comfort of community. In the realms to which we aspire, they will be nothing more than quaint artifacts of this earthly existence.For those who choose to sleepwalk through this marvelous experience, rest in peace, for there is no loss in the spiritual realm. Lethargy however (passive fear) does not afford us the joy we seek and will prove to be non-useful to those on the path.The master Jesus is said to have told his disciples to go forth and spread the good news. He did not write a handbook for proselytizers. He did embody the good news and for some that is enough, for others it is incomprehensible. “You have been with me so long and yet you know me not”. To spread the good news is not possible if we do not have the good news. Sadly, Jesus is perhaps the most talked about and least understood being ever to incarnate on this earth.Avoid any proselytizing message that rests on a base of fear. It is a plague and has no place in the spiritual quest. Observe the process used by those who would manipulate you. First, you are made fearful and then, lo and behold, a way to ameliorate your fears is presented to you. Simple isn’t it.Awaken yourself from the deep slumber. When you awaken, you discover that the life you have been living is as an incoherent dream, perhaps useful as a topic of conversation but utterly irrelevant to that adventure you will one-day experience. The task of releasing old ideas, those that do not serve you well, must be undertaken.Examine your beliefs for their genesis. Review the moment when they first came to you. Ask yourself, do they still have the same significance. Ask yourself, have I been given a Trojan horse?Judge not, beginning with yourself. You have already been judged and found to be perfect. Observe yourself honestly, fearlessly and unceasingly. There is that within you which knows.The truth, your truth, will come to you only from your higher self, your soul. Others may speak the truth, you hear the words and you may resonate to them, this is good. However, your truth comes from within. Those moments, long awaited, are received as the fresh breath of liberation and you realize that you have met your liberator, your soul.There are those who search for arcane mysteries in obscure passages of sacred literature in order to feign great wisdom. Their motives are suspect, for all the while the great truths for which the heart yearns, go unnoticed. Intellectualism is a similar process. Have they totally overlooked the words of the master? Did he not say “Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and these things shall be added unto you”? The kingdom of heaven is here and now, it is to be found within, it is the Christ-consciousness, the knowledge of who you truly are. Ernest contemplation will be endlessly rewarded.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Ego, Pride, Self-esteem

All that caresses the ego is non-useful.
Pride may be called the grandfather of all character flaws for from it flows many of the non-useful patterns of thought and behavior that befall us. It is accepted as normal by the world although it may be nothing more than the obverse of shame which is also accepted by some in the same manner.Many who have glimpsed the light have retreated to the seductive comfort of pride. Consider this; if you have asked God to put you in the right place at the right time, and He does, do you still expect more, such as a road map so that you can show your friends?Healthy self-esteem and self-assurance are attributes of spiritual awareness not to be confused with pride. Is not pride a variation of selfishness? Ultimately, we must embrace the marvelous truth that we are total, complete, perfect and eternally blissful. We are given a priceless gift, our task is to accept it and use it with compassionate intent.On the spiritual path, there will always be the temptation to feel proud of progress however meager, yet pride, ego, and self-righteousness inhibit access to the great truth for which we are searching. To assert that we are psychic, gifted, or intuitive or to long for such flattery is to reveal that we are still somewhat mired in the throes of ego. Ego is the one true “psychic vampire.” We are one with God and all power comes from God. That power is ours to use. Heed the words of the master, “It is not I, it is the father within, He doeth the works”. Note the absence of pride/ego.With the awareness of who you really are, and awareness of the infinite power within, you will no longer seek or find useful those things that produce the feeling of pride, nor will you feel the burden of responsibility, for knowing that we are all one, your joy will be found in helping others. Consider the unity of all life.Rejoice in the awakening of another for it is your own. Embrace also the ugliness you perceive in another, for it too is your own. Humility is not achieved through practice; it is an aspect of knowing. It is the nature of the soul to know. The humble (sometimes called the meek) shall inherit the earth, however be cautious not to become proud of your humility.“How great thou art” alludes to the divinity, which is also within you, yet on occasion take a moment to reflect on how silly and frivolous we all are. We are as children pretending to be what we are not and unappreciative of those who would change the rules of the game. Transcend the childish tendency to set aside the great gift and play with the box.Paradoxically, with the wisdom of maturity and the sincerity of the child we will reach the goal. It will however still be a game. Be a good sport and take joy in seeing others win. Their victory is your victory.Peace.....Dean

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Use and Abuse of Departed Souls

Find an object of love and knowthat it is a part of God eternal.

When a cherished soul departs this plane, we experience a variety of thoughts and emotions. The emotion we might discuss here is sadness. First, release the feelings that were not resolved during the dying process. This would include negative emotions such as fear, guilt, anger, self-pity and doubt. Then consider this. You feel loss, hence sadness. The loss you may feel is on the manifest plane, not the spiritual plane. Have courage to know that there is no loss on the spiritual plane.Know that the soul for whom you mourn is once more with you, here and now. As God is universal and eternal, you and the departed soul as part of God are universal and eternal. Why pray tell do we greet them with sadness? (When you think of them, you are greeting them). Should we not welcome them with open arms and great joy? If the departed soul has come to you from a place of peace and joy where he/she now resides, why not share these feelings with them? Is not this what they want you to do? Sadness is not a condition of the soul; we choose it not only as a natural reaction but also often as a matter of propriety. “What would people think if I appeared to be happy at a time like this”? Tears of joy on the other hand are always appropriate and therapeutic.If we intend to have the blessing of the strength and wisdom of our forebears, those who have departed, we must be joyful in acknowledging their presence. Undue sadness will inhibit the process. The departed will visit you, in a moment of stillness, perhaps in a dream, we may hear a far distant voice calling our name or we may simply be aware of their love. Although fleeting, these moments are to be treasured. Be aware that they, in a transcendent state, have transcendent wisdom to give. Listen with love in your heart and love will be returned. When you think of the departed one, know that they are saying hello in a joyful voice. Respond in a like manner. Their simple message is “all is well”. There are no questions that these three words do not answer. Feelings of a negative nature that you may have held are no longer valid. Release them to the archives of experience. Forgiveness is appropriate from either side. Know that it is done. Know also that the past as well as the present and the future are amenable to prayer.If approached without fear and with the smile of love in your heart, the divine essence of the departed soul is revealed to you. Release the shackles of uncertainty and greet them with great joy. Live if you will, in the eternal now.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The enigma of Beauty

By the gentle gaze of the heart is beauty revealed
Beauty exists in and of the soul of the beholder and is an attribute of the divine. Of the many paths to enlightenment, the contemplation of beauty is available to all, for it is by the gentle gaze of the heart that beauty is revealed. The beauty discovered within is the beauty we observe in all creation. The search for beauty in whatever form leads us unerringly to the divine. The thirst for beauty is surely imbedded in our DNA as is the impulse toward the divine. The common thread between beauty and divinity is simplicity.It said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It may seem to be in the eye, the ear, the touch, or even the brain, but truly, it is in the heart. When we allow the divine force (which we call love) to flow through us the object of that love will be seen as beautiful (ask any mother). Ugliness can exist only in that space where we have withdrawn love. With gentleness, resist the urge to judge, for excessive aversion tends to hinder the impulse toward the discovery of beauty.The reluctance of some religions to accept the feminine aspect of the Devine all the while glorifying the horrific and warring tendencies of a patriarchal society reflects the mores from which it came. Such religious constructions are human, not divine and much, perhaps the most beautiful, has been denied us because of this bias. Without the maternal instinct, the process of creation would not work to create life and without beauty, there would be no reason for it. The warring tendency is not inherent in our DNA; it results from the perception of social constructs that are deemed unfair or that appear to cause inequalities. They exist only in the vacuum of spiritual ignorance.Is it possible that the age-old human problem with sexuality, a pendulum that seems to swing from extreme to extreme, would be amenable to a fresh look? If only we could become aware, that beauty, (an aspect of the divine), is absent if the lust for power, (ignorance of the divine within us) is present. So long as we continue to force the gentler half of humanity into a defensive, subordinate status, we can expect the problem to persist. The misguided attempt by some of a religious bent to redefine or deny nature has failed. Hopefully, the proverbial pendulum will come to rest in balance.Our life experience will mirror our love for beauty. Consider balance, harmony, and composition, tone, and rhythm, integrity, fidelity, gentle conversation, meaningful form, inspiration and perspective, Benevolent mischievousness and humor. Are these not elements of a fulfilling life as well as art? They are woven into the tapestry of our true nature and life. As you see beauty, beauty will see you.Peace......Dean

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Unique Messiah

Whatever the perceived truth of the matter, the mythology of the unique messiah has served to inhibit and frustrate all but the most fearless seekers. To draw the inference that he (Jesus) was/is unique is misguided, contradicts his own words and serves to limit the unfolding of the individual as well as giving an undeserved pseudo-power to many religions. Forgive them father for their oppressive arrogance.It is perhaps likely that the master may have felt that he was the first and only to experience this state of consciousness (enlightenment). He was not and is not. It is doubtful that he had any reference point to think otherwise. It was and is however a thinly populated realm. On the other hand, he may have simply understood that there is but one first and only although he or she has been among us many times in many places. Consider the concept of unity. We are all one. In that sense, he is the first and only.“The joy we knew, as we tarried there, none other has ever known”. These words from the old song reveal the unbelievable joy, peace and love of one who knows, one who has been there, done that, an enlightened soul. It is altogether understandable that such a one may feel they are uniquely blessed for it is beyond the human mind to imagine the ineffable joy and the peace that passeth understanding. Thus, the assertion “none other has ever known”. The light that transforms is not instilled by words, neither mine nor yours. The voice of God is silence. It is not however beyond the soul to know for the soul is truth and may mirror itself on this plane in full awareness.The question arises, why has no one told us? They have, however the good news has been obscured by the stained glass shouting of those who talk without the benefit of knowing. We are taught, as mice to scurry away with crumbs, soon to return for more crumbs, ever fearful that we will be caught absconding with that which is rightfully ours. The marvelous truth of our individual being is threatening to those who lust after earthly power, authority, position, and prestige. It also appears to be true that many are dissuaded from releasing their human bondage for a more Godly existence simply because it is not possible by the use of intellect alone to do so. That is to say, intellect alone cannot supplant the wisdom of the soul. At the same time, they have taught us that the body, which produces our feelings, is sinful and needs to be restrained. Is this not a near perfect formula for suppression?The one trait that is common to all enlightened souls is the impulse to share the good news. The good news is that the potential for enlightenment is available to all. The master articulated this truth. The master embodied this truth. By the touch of his hand, he shared this truth. The bad news is that few attain to it, choosing instead to worship the lamp rather than the light.Step over the dead for they would have you believe that you too are dead. There is only one barrier between you and God (Whatever you may choose to call him) and that barrier is within you. How long will we continue to look outside for that which is within? As long as we continue to look outside ourselves for the joy of truth to which we are entitled, we will remain without our true heritage. Earnestly examine the consciousness for the genesis of this fallacious notion.Have we not noticed that the enlightened ones who have gone before and perhaps those who are with us now tend to be a bit abrasive to the establishment? Take note that establishment implies a cluster of power. The enlightened never lust for power nor do they seek to linger in the illusory security of such earthly power.The power of divine omnipotence (the soul part of us) is eternal, omniscient, universal and infinite; it is in this world but not of it. It is the pearl of great price that awaits your discovery.Enlightened souls are with us eternally;”Lo, I am with you always”. Feel free to call upon them. They will not ask for your resume, nor will they listen to a recital of your good works. They are not interested in your sins. They will not ask questions nor answer them. These things, you must do yourself. They will however remain with you eternally, at times, the apparent source of that for which you are seeking. Love them as your elder Siblings and discover the miracle of divine communion. Simply talk to them, with love and without fear, and their words will flow to you, through you, and become your own. Be aware, that as you approach the goal, your eternal journey begins anew each day.